2013-01-28 06:15:03 UTC
Ok so Im not a novice when it comes to these things but just before the Christmas I built a new PC the Stats are as follows:
-AMD FX8120 3.1GHz 8 Core Processor
-8Gb's DDR3 1600Mhz RAM
-Asus Nvidia GeForce 650 GTX
-ASRock 990FX Extreme 4 Motherboard
-800W PSU Unit
-1 x 120Gb SSD Drive for OS and key programs
-1 x 180Gb SSD Drive for other Programs/games [I'll be replacing this for a WD Raptor Soon]
When I first bought it and got the whole thing built and up and running I had GPU problems from the get go.
However this was not my first problem, when I was installing the CPU [I've built a hell of a lot of PC's for the record] I was extremely, extremely careful putting it in, christ it cost enough. Yet One of the pins had bent, to this day I dont know how as I was so careful.
So i took out the CPU and very very carefully bent the pin back into place using a precision screwdriver [not magnetized obviously]. Then it worked fine
From here on, the GPU problems started, at first everything would load up fine, then all of a sudden, blue screen of Death then restart. When it booted up, it wasnt working, the fan was off on the GPU card, yet the powerlight was still green.
I have 3 GPU slots on my Mobo and I tried it in all of them and it worked grand,..for a while, then bang, same thing happened.
Upon closer and further insepction, i found Code 43 in the 'Device manager'
I have also troubleshooted it through the Control Panel using 'Configure a Device, yet to no avail.
Im even after updating using windows updates which I can tell you is something, I never, ever do.
Now, I have it down to three things;
1- I need a new GPU
2- I need a new Motherboard
3- I need a new CPU
None of these are cheap to replace.
I have naturall tried, downloading the most up to date drivers, blah blah blah.
Its honestly driving me mad, Ive spent a small fortune building this new PC and ive another €800 at least to spend on it to finish it off as a Whole system, not just the base Unit and its innards.
Any and all help is appreciated.