How do I get the most money for an old PC and monitor?
That Guy
2006-12-15 08:23:44 UTC
I have a few Dell Dimension 4600's and some old 15" CRT monitors. I want to get the most money possible for them but I'm finding out most people don't want to pay much at all for used computer equipment. I tried Craigslist and advertising them in our newsletter and will probably put them on eBay, but wanted to see if anyone knows how to get the best return on our investment for this equipment. By the way, I'm not using this forum to advertise them, so please don't make offers, I'm just looking for marketing suggestions. Thanks.
211 answers:
2006-12-15 08:28:10 UTC
Unfortunately those aren't going to get you a lot of green.

You might be better off donating these to some charitable organization and get the receipts and use them to reduce your income tax. You'd benefit some needy organization with the hardware and maybe save a few bucks that would otherwise go to taxes.
Norton N
2006-12-17 22:20:14 UTC
The market for used computers is not vast when you can buy a new lap top for under $500.00 as you can at the moment.

I don't sell my old computers, I wipe them very clean and network them together, this gives me mad more ram and capability. And although bulky having a few old CRT monitors around could well come in handy in the future.

Lots of our computer products are now being made in Third World Countries, and quality, I think is declining. I like having more than one viable system on line. (You Never Know).

Bottom line, if you need the space, reformat the computer and save the good parts, starting with Ram sticks.

Lastly, there are those with software and skills to retrieve data from even a formated computer. You really want to "own" your memory.

If you can find a buyer for your Dell (Im on a 4300 at the moment) it can be your "safe" computer. You can keep it independent by keeping or updating your monitor.

If you have no pressing need to network computers, DO NOT.

Keep your old system tuned up and ready to go should your new system fail.

Or in Geek Speak: Back Up, Back Up, Back Up!

If you are Hell bent on selling, try college bulletin boards.

Personally, I consider my 4300 to be the "tank" of my fleet, it is both the most expendable, and the seemingly most indestructable. AND I HAVE ALL THE SOFTWARE.

My newest computer came preloaded with a lot of crap I did not want, some of which I have not been able to flush, and the notable absense of a Boot Disk, or much of any other software.

I relate cars and computers easily, I have two vintage MG's and an elderly Bimmer. I have some old computers, I can fix all the old stuff on my own.

New not so much.
2006-12-17 09:26:37 UTC
I think if you try hard enough, you can possibly get 50-100 $s for the CPU tower, and 15-20 $s for the monitor, depending on the software that will come with it. For the most i think after the first six months of owning a computer it becomes ancient, and because of how cheap new computers are today, most people want buy one unless its new or unless there getting a great deal for an old one. I think the best bet is to not sell it on eBay, because the person using eBay would know a little something about computers and thus not want to buy it, i think the best bet would be a rummage sell, being the winter and all i don't think that want be happening anytime soon. I think you should give it to charity, small businesses, and non-profit organization need computers, and as charity you can use it as a tax write, this is the best bet being the tax season and all. eBay---targeting the wrong people, these people can check out better new computers on the Internet, say at wal*, or, rummage sales----this is a better idea, targeting older individuals who may not be technical incline, who want to get with the times, or just like having alot of computers in there home, charity----tax season, tax write off, best choice
Jon W
2006-12-17 00:32:48 UTC
Try eBay for the computers.

The monitor are about worthless as no one will buy a CRT these days - especially a 15". That combined with the weight and the shipping costs associated makes them a hard to sell item on eBay.

When last I looked, Dell would take back an old monitor and pay for the shipping. Due to the amount of lead and other items present, many places are charging a $7-$10 fee to recycle these.

(And old computers also)

I'd advertise them locally as a complete PC and monitors sepera I've picked up several 15-17" monitor for $15 - but you might be able to get a bit more.
2006-12-18 12:30:49 UTC
Some good answers, some very stupid.

I bought 10 dell 17/19/21 monitors at a revenge-garage sale 2 years ago.. And 2 very high end 19"s that were worth a lot all by them selves...for a total of $200.

Kept the two high end for my immediate use and put the two monitors previously used into the pool of 'monitors.

Sold most in my own garage sale for anywhere from $40-90 each. All of these were in perfect condition except for the two that were mine previously .

Mine were 6+ years old and minor issues..

Sold the 6+ year old sony for $20.

Sold the other (a 10+ year old sony for $12).

Overall made approximately 3 times my purchase.
2006-12-18 09:53:35 UTC
I suggest donating the PC but trying to sell the monitor. People can go to best buy and get a great system INCLUDING flat panel monitor for about $300-400, the 2nd hand market is dead and not profitable anymore.

If you put it on ebay, remember that you will have to pay shipping costs and it will be very heavy if you include the monitor. No one will touch it.

Craigslist may be a safer bet for you, that way you can have someone pick it up.

A word to the wise, FORMAT YOUR HARD DRIVE! You do not want your past history or credit card information to be passed onto the next user. There is a dos based disk formatter called KillDisk (go to and search for kill disk).

Good Luck!
2006-12-18 10:54:36 UTC
I work at a recycling plant and the only way that you will get money for your monitors is if you can find a bulk buyer, but then you will need about 300+ monitors. The best thing to do is to recycle, but if you want money out of the PC you will have to do what everyone suggest, E bay or you can just give it to a recycling plant. They will not make money off of just your PC they will most likely break it down
~☆ Petit ♥ Chou ☆~
2006-12-17 13:48:11 UTC
just advertise them as "ideal for the kids homework" and stick em in the local freebie. On Ebay you have to advertise for the buyer to collect and this puts most people off. Besides, now is not a good time to is short....

you could consider actually giving them away, but do it crafty. Split them into two batches. donate them to a school or drop in centre for use or for dismantling in electronic projects. Give them a card saying......kindly donated by...... then after a couple of months give them the other half .....again with a card. You never know what the outcome may be. And you would feel better about having done someone a favour.

Well lets be might not sell em, and pawn shops will steal them from you and you will feel hard done by.
2006-12-17 20:15:12 UTC
See the problem is that the monitor is worthless. No one wants a CRT any more. The second problem is that you can buy a new computer for less than $400 that is probably twice as powerful as the one you are trying to sell. So in all honesty even if you paid over $1,000 for this machine, I would be amazed if you could get more than $200 for it these days.

I'd go with the suggestions on here, give it to charity and write it off on your taxes.
2014-09-29 12:29:27 UTC
PC but trying to sell the monitor. People can go to best buy and get a great system INCLUDING flat panel monitor for about $300-400, the 2nd hand market is dead and not profitable anymore.

If you put it on ebay, remember that you will have to pay shipping costs and it will be very heavy if you include the monitor. No one will touch it.
2015-08-19 16:18:36 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


How do I get the most money for an old PC and monitor?

I have a few Dell Dimension 4600's and some old 15" CRT monitors. I want to get the most money possible for them but I'm finding out most people don't want to pay much at all for used computer equipment. I tried Craigslist and advertising them in our newsletter and will probably...
ralph w
2006-12-17 17:55:50 UTC
You're NOT going to be able to sell them, and you'll BARELY be able to give them away. Several goodwill and salvation army locations I checked do NOT accept any computers or computer parts. When I stopped by a used-computer store, they were flooded with old, used, 16, 17, 18 inch CRTs for cheap. Most non-profits can get very decent PC system donations from large corporations. I even worked at a homeless shelter whose computers were only about three years old.

Your best bet is to just find out the proper way to recycle them.
2006-12-17 03:41:27 UTC
Well, as "old PCs" you won't get much for them as is, but if you modify them and then resell them as something new you might get more for them. Think of what you have now as materials instead of junk.

For instance, if you have several 15" monitors and PCs laying around then buy some security cameras and monitoring software. Add some larger hard drives and then sell the PCs with the monitors and everything you added as digital home security systems. The money you spent on upgrades you can recoup when you sell it as a home security system (of course you will likely need to set it up for whoever buys it). As a home security system, nobody is looking at the specs of the PC. You don't need a super high end CPU or flat panel LCD monitors for it to be effective and so you've turned your old PC into something useful that won't go obsolete tomorrow since almost any old PC can be used for this purpose. So now you have a product with some value to it over just old PCs and monitors. Sure it's a long shot and requires some extra research and labor, but if it sells you stand a far better chance of making money.

Otherwise if you just try to sell away old used PCs and CRT monitors then you're not going to get much for them if anything.

Or If this Doesnt Works Then Put Ur pc For 50%Off
2006-12-17 08:50:37 UTC
When you realize that a new PC can cost as little as £250 you have to lower your remuneration to an acceptable level. Most of the old type monitors will be obsolete in a few months. I would suggest that you aim for somewhere round about £150.00. however you could go as high as £200.00 if the specs are high but I doubt that they would sell. I looked through my local rag and saw prices of £90.00 to £175.00 even the top specs In cash converters you would be lucky to get more than £100 and they sell at only £200.00. If you live in South of England you might get more. The north however is mostly a depressed area in terms of monetary values. Thus it will be less you could obtain. If you use EBay you can auction the PCs and that way you might get closer to what you might expect. I recently sold my old PC from 1999 for just £99 and I live in the affluent south of England
Raj L
2006-12-15 20:54:23 UTC
Your best bet is to sell the individual components. The hard drive and motherboard are most valuable, as well as extremely cheap to ship.

Sadly, the rest of your computer is likely worthless - especially at three years old. On the bright side, if you know a thing or two about IDE cables and how to use a screwdriver, disassembly is a breeze. Most of the components in a computer are surprisingly rugged, but slide in and out of various slots easily.

Alas, a CRT is - literally - worth nothing. Type in "We recycle computers" and your zip code into Google, and just take the remaining components down there. They will rebuild a working unit and give to a local school or charity. At least, you gain the satisfaction of having made the world a (slightly) cleaner place for our children.

2006-12-18 05:27:10 UTC
I wouldn't even bother with selling it on line if shipping is involved. The problem with CRT monitors is they're to damn expensive to ship. Put a ad on a public bulletin board or in the newspaper if it's cheap enough. They aren't in demand unless someone has an older computer with a bad monitor. Then depending on the brand and age, you might get anywhere between $25-$50. I have a 15" also just sitting in my closet.
2006-12-16 08:19:50 UTC
Hmm, those computers don't sound all too old. If I'm looking at the right ones (2.8 ghz, Pentium 4), I'm sure they would sell for more than these people are saying. These are worth more than $60, you would have to be crazy, or stupid, not to buy these if they were under $100 each. I'm sure they could easily sell for a few hundred dollars each on eBay. I saw a few on there selling for between $200 and $300. If you were expecting $500-$1000 each, then you'll probably never manage to get a buyer though.
2016-02-18 19:34:58 UTC
When last I looked, Dell would take back an old monitor and pay for the shipping. Due to the amount of lead and other items present, many places are charging a $7-$10 fee to recycle these.
2006-12-17 17:54:56 UTC
Get an AFLAC policy then drop the monitor on your foot.

It's amazing how hard it is to get rid of old hardware. I know a guy who runs a business where he will pick up your old computer for between $10 and $20. That's you paying him. I think he sells the parts in bulk to some recycling company. He seems to be doing pretty well.

You might try Rick's List for your area. It's free to use and you'll find out if there's much interest.

Good luck.
2006-12-16 23:13:58 UTC
I tell everyone that i know that evey 3 years flush your computer. What i mean by that is take your CD's that came with the system, delete everything and restart. You computer will seem like its brandnew and will be super fast. Make sure YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING. Its not that hard to do, but make sure u have the disks first if you are doing it because if you dont, you loose all your memory. Just look up in your computer handbook for more information. Anothing think is just throw in some ram. I would say 200 ram makes your computer seem alot faster, but if you want more, then put in more.
2006-12-15 22:01:19 UTC
the 15" crt monitors new goes for about $75 used ones $20-40 pending on condition. I don't know what is in a dell dimension 4600 but if its 3 years old like you said it is so outdated it not worth much if anything.

Take them to your local flea market and see what you can trade it on. Its not worth any other route.
2006-12-15 15:37:27 UTC
hmmm... i would go with ebay but you dont know how much people will pay for them. The first thing you should do is look how the market is, meaning check out the prices of other places and if the prices are good for them it probably will be good for you. I know thier used but that doesnt mean thier not worth anything, in fact i would rather buy something used for cheaper then get it new. When you are making ads, try giving people some facts such as if you know the price of the non used item give them that price and say compare that to my price. Also a good ad doesnt have to be original but it has to catch the eye. I actually am a computer programer and i know that, that model should be worth around 50-170$ used (170 is almost impossible your going to have to sell it to a baby to get that price). My own advice is not what you want to hear but ill say it "dont try to get much out of this because when it comes to computer everyone wants the new and improved version and thats about it," sad but true. If you dont believe me do you have an old computer? I thought so... Well i hope this helps!
2006-12-18 07:06:48 UTC
To get the most out of an old computer. Contact your local "Boys&Girls club, local library, youth home, or non profit origination) they will be glad to take an "old" computer off your hands, as there is still alot of life left in that machine. It is probably at least 4 years newer than what they may already have.

And you will get more out of knowing that you are helping others than a few bucks, you'll get a warm fuzzy feeling that will make you smile all day long.......which is more than money can buy.
2006-12-17 18:27:51 UTC
I just gave my next door neighbor an old PC and monitor. He is really bad about smoking around computers and surfing dangerously. I made sure that it had antivirus, a firewall, and anti-spyware (all self-updating). I am sure that you know someone who is in need like a church or single parent with young kids. Craigslist is a great place, but the monitors should be thrown in for free. Goodwill (at least in Charlotte, NC) has a separate computer store. I just dropped off several computer items yesterday.
2006-12-16 12:25:12 UTC
I'M IN PAIN!!! THIS IS HORRIBLE!!! You people say this equipment is worthless, or only worth $50-$60. I have a 5 year old Gateway (Win Me) that I upgraded gradually, only use it for email and websurfing. It's still good but it got infected or something, I took it to a shop and paid $180 to get back a shell of its former self (I think it's a BIOS problem). I'm stuck using dial up until I can figure out how to fix it to get DSL back again. I won't pay another "professional" to lay hands on it.

Now I'm reading that really good stuff is out there and you can't find a buyer to take it for even a pittance? Where does the line form? I'm in. I bet a lot of other people are, too.
2006-12-16 04:20:23 UTC
I have a three year old laptop which Best Buy talks as if it should be thrown away because the cord was bad. I don't think so but I do know if you have a desk top you won't get anything out of it. You are better off to take all of your info from it and donate it to a school. If you file long form on taxes take a deduction for your donation. If you are like me, you can not afford to buy a new computer every three years.
2006-12-17 01:37:47 UTC
Take it and the old parts in my storage bin and the corner of my living room, the ones from about a dozen other victims of the pack rat syndrome, and create a work of "junk art." Place them in an empty warehouse and throw a "happening," like back in the 1960s. Invite people to use the supplied sledgehammer to take out all the frustrations they have felt since those computers first perched like gargoyles on their desks.

Keep a wheelbarrow handy to take the results to the land fill.
2006-12-16 22:10:31 UTC
OUCH, some of the answers really cut to the core. I guess you cannot get any money.

I have been recycling my computers, networking them around the house. I read somewhere that it is best to hook up your ADSL or cable first to an old computer just in case you get some worms etc. It wouldnt damage your newer computer immediately.

See if you have a buy and sell magazine in your neighborhood and advertise them there. If you live close to a college or university, you can probably sell or rent them to someone who just needs internet access for research and connectivity to the school computer. You might not get much but hey, saves them from packing some giant beast to and from their houses.

Set up an internet school at your local seniors home. See if you can teach. If not for money, do it for your contribution to the community, or your good-deed-of-the-day
2016-11-08 10:03:17 UTC
Money For Old Computers
2006-12-17 15:43:02 UTC
Don't bother with the tax decuctions unless you make many donations and have mega medical bills. Otherwise you can't even file a long form and itemize your deductions. Most people don't realize this.

I would say that ebay for seperate pieces would be your best bet.

Otherwise take the losses and be generous and give them to some kids who can't otherwise afford any computer at all.

That's what I would do.
2006-12-17 01:49:33 UTC
Here a thought,

there are people who clean up old computers and give them to underpriveledged kids and schools.

Why not donate them and then claim the donation as a tax write off.

that way you help out kids in need to get a better start and you do something for your community and you get a tax break.

On second thoughts forget the tax break and just give the computers to a school in need .

That will make you a real winner.
Mr. Wizard
2006-12-16 09:47:01 UTC
You might want to look into charity donation of your PC and perhaps ask a CPA on how much you can expect from a tax write off for doing so. Here's a link that I think offers a good start:,1895,1948546,00.asp

Maybe you can use the old PC system to do work that would otherwise slow down your new PC's worth looking into--and these links offer other pretty neat ideas also:

Also, the company that made your PC system may have their own PC recycle program, give them a call to inquire about this option.

Bottom line: profiting from your old PC is unlikely, but every little bit of some profit helps---so look into charity donation tax write offs. Either that or look into making good use of the older system.
2006-12-17 11:58:01 UTC
New computers are relatively cheap and 15" CRT are postage stamp screens I wouldn't even bother with the monitors even if you were giving them away. And as for the PCs I would pay what ever the going rate is for the specs.
2006-12-16 15:01:18 UTC
Some of these small towns have schools with low budgets and need computers for the kids to learn on. It is a tax deductible charitable donation and the schools can really use the equipment. To them that is a fairly new computer and they have ones who come in and fix and add parts. Some people donate theirs just to be used for parts. Keep the receipts and it is all deductible.
2006-12-15 20:45:06 UTC
get an alienware case from ebay

install all your parts

and sell it as an alienware

you will get probably about 400 to 500 more (at least)

another thing is sell your 15 inch CRT on ebay separate

go to, buy a 17 inch LCD

and sell it with the "alienware" computer and it will boost the price by 200 to 300 (the LCD only will cost about 170)
2014-10-16 14:52:56 UTC
you could consider actually giving them away, but do it crafty. Split them into two batches. donate them to a school or drop in centre for use or for dismantling in electronic projects. Give them a card saying......kindly donated by...... then after a couple of months give them the other half .....again with a card. You never know what the outcome may be. And you would feel better about having done someone a favour.

Well lets be might not sell em, and pawn shops will steal them from you and you will feel hard done by.
2006-12-17 09:50:22 UTC
donate them to the salvation army or goodwill and get the tax deduction for them, which is probably the easiest and most efficient way to resolve the issue. However, remove and reinstall all of your software to prevent identity theft. Wipe the hard disk completely and reinstall the software and then give them the CD's and all associated papers for the computer.

The tax deduction you get will probably be worth more then the computer is worth.

Best regards,

2006-12-17 09:24:02 UTC
Getting rid of an old computer may be tough, especially if it's 3 years old. The new desktop systems are so inexpensive now, it would hardly be worth buying a used system from someone. Your best bet would be donate it to a church or school.
Tony W
2006-12-16 06:31:40 UTC
This isn't going to get you much cash. Better idea would be to donate the hardware to a local charity / school (your choice of whether to base your choice on the presence of hot, available and soon to be grateful staff), and just donate it. You'll get more in feel good points than the $100 or whatever you might realise after lots of hard work.

Separately, you'd be surprised how useful it is to keep those old boxes around. I'm currently using an old pc as a much cheaper alternative to tivo...
Angela Vicario
2006-12-18 06:57:21 UTC
I agree with what you say, nobody wants to buy an old computer when yechnology changes so much, so instead of getting a material reward you can get a love reward, there are some people who collect this kind of computers and donate them to poor schools in south america where there are many children who have never had acces to technology at all.

Think about it!
2006-12-18 08:06:49 UTC
Use it for a small enterprise/business. A lot of senior citizens atill want to learn the computer and its basic operations. You can start with one PC in teaching. Then move on to newer models for teaching. This way you can make money out of an exisiting resource.
2006-12-17 22:45:23 UTC
Try donating them to the Boys and Girls Club near you, a lot of them show the kids to rebuild computers from old parts and then they get to take them home and get a free computer out of it. They will also give you a donation letter for your taxes. You wont make any money trying to sell it though. Good Luck!
Frankie P
2006-12-17 20:48:00 UTC
Networking. Target senior citizens. Include a little personal service with the sale and you may be able to get what you're looking for. Most seniors want a little internet browsing and email to keep in touch. These machines provide all they need. Add in the personal touch of setting the units up to their needs, and you're likely to get a little something. Make a friend, and make a buck.
2006-12-15 20:13:46 UTC
1) Try yahoo auctions.

2) Buy it a used cheap 17" or 15" LCD.

3) Giveaway your old CRT monitor.

4) Now you can sell it with the best price.

5) Try hi-seasons. Try at the beginning of the academical year and so.
Carol C
2006-12-18 04:48:33 UTC
Apparently there's not a big market for used monitors, they become obsolete so quickly. My son works with computers and when the company upgrades... every two years! they donate the equipment to either a public school or a place like GoodWill or United Way. I've been told they use them to teach blind or otherwise disabled people to use them or even to repair them. look at it as a tax deduction.....and you are welcome.
2006-12-18 04:23:33 UTC
ob1 had a grand idea - stress-relief therapy with a hammer. so if you want to make as much cash of it as possiple make it an AUCTION at a place where it will be most appreciated (college dormitory, local pub, local community, pre-christmas party, etc):

who gives the highest bid for the opportunity to smash each piece of the equipment into little pieces! the "therapy must be public of course. i suggest to put aside some of the money and give it to the guy who makes the best show of the "therapy" session. could be cool

pls remember youcant just throw the waste away, safe disposal of it is required. our community offers it for free (the recyclable parts of it pay back for it)
2006-12-17 02:45:50 UTC
How about dismantling the computer and selling the parts? That's how some companies buying old computers do- I reckon it might bring it more money?

You can also hook up the CRTs and use it as a television. I have 1 in my room.
2006-12-17 05:27:44 UTC
Check the prices here: and remember, those refurbished computers come with the FULL warrantees!

Include one of the 50X faster OS LiveCDroms, such as that includes 5500 free games and suites.

Boots in the CDrom, runs in RAM disc with 1900 of the games and suites. Create a partition and install it as a multi-boot OS.

I get three year old Dells donated to me, so I pass them on to poor kids, charities, schools, but, the Microsoft EULA license forbids that! Why? because it is all leased to you, and you have no rights to transfer it to anyone else! So, that sucks!

Microsoft runs Linux on all 45,000 computers, on all websites, at Redmond and worldwide, because it is upto 50X faster, virus proof, and stable...
2006-12-16 22:58:56 UTC
Well,how much do you want for it?I work in computer repair & often use spare parts from Dell computers because Dell does not repair computers they only replace them.Getting spare parts from Dell is like pulling teeth.A Dell is worth more in spare parts than whole to someone who repairs computers(like Me).I will offer you $30 for each p.c. and $35 for each monitor.I'll pay shipping.
2006-12-16 08:42:28 UTC
Clean then all really well, load them up with software that students can use and advert them at the local 2 years school. With a new unit going for about 300 you may be asking too much anyway, but I have sold dozens of computers this way.
2006-12-15 19:03:41 UTC
Donate it to charity like Goodwill where some poor or indigent family might get some use out of it. Or, donate it to a school.

If you donate it to Goodwill, you'll get a receipt you can use for a tax write off. You may even get more money that way than if you sell it on eBay; the people at Goodwill almost always estimate the value of something at more than it actually is!
2006-12-17 18:34:03 UTC
well theres 3 things you can do - 1 sell it on ebay or pawn shop . 2 get it to charity . but the most money you can probably get , by taking it apart and using the pieces to make a new computer
2006-12-16 06:51:06 UTC
An old PC isn't worth jack. I would sell the components individually to someone who works with computers or builds their own. The system itself may be outdated but the parts are almost always still good. You'll make the most money this way.
2014-09-25 00:10:44 UTC
Affiliate marketing is the best way of making money online. Website which ask for a initial payment before geeting the job, most of them are fake! You can learn how to make money online with affiliation marketing for free here

You will find a lot of interesting informations.
2006-12-17 21:11:02 UTC
See if you can find a family that would like a computer for the kids to play their games on. We did that with our old computer. The kids think its great. I'm not sure how much you can get for your system, but it may be your only bet for selling it. Good luck.
2006-12-15 18:06:57 UTC
simple answer concerning your 15" CTR Monitors,'s against the law to throw them away, them as a donation to any small church, Good Will store, etc..... "tax right off"

Now concerning your 4600 models it is true that many people do not want a system in that time zone (era) change out the mother board if need be "UP Grade" decal your system with nice art work you know it is not about decieving anyone, nowadays people are about looks, if the system looks good it would'nt matter what type,year, or build. OR SPEED!!!
2014-10-30 17:44:25 UTC
You might be better off donating these to some charitable organization and get the receipts and use them to reduce your income tax. You'd benefit some needy organization with the hardware and maybe save a few bucks that would otherwise go to taxes.
2006-12-16 16:23:06 UTC
well, what you want to try to do is eliminate shipping costs first off. That will limit your buyers but it will maximize your probability of selling them. Trust me, I tried to sell a whole computer including the monitor...not many people wanted to pay $80 for shipping costs. If you do decide to go on ebay, what you could so is in the title, write "look ohio buyers!" or whatever state you are in. This way, it will draw attention to those who are in your state and might be looking for what you are selling. Many people are willing to drive if it is close enough, to buy it. Good luck!
2006-12-16 00:11:33 UTC
I have two of them in the garage 19" high resolution they don't last forever. I donate my old computers to family members in need. I have given away 2 of 4 and kept one old one as a back up unit with a new 17" dell LCD. I want to network it in as a mapping station with DVD and MPEG video playback for multi-tasking.
2006-12-17 12:05:43 UTC
Unfortunately, I'm with those who say donate. I've given my old computers to friends and relatives as starter computers. I gave my last one to a niece complete with printer for school work. She's been thrilled with it.

Sorry there isn't more of a market for that type of technology.

Merry Christmas!
2006-12-16 10:29:08 UTC
You could list them on But I suggest that you sell them as parts. I have been fixing laptops and I have noticed that a laptop, a few years old goes for nothing! But, the microphone for that laptop is going for 20.00. The video card for that same laptop, $15.00. It is crazy, but people pay more for the parts than the entire computer. True! Just take a look.
2006-12-18 13:30:38 UTC
what you do is purchase a proxydual processor on ebay for around 5 dollars and attach that to the motherboard's short transmission unit (STU). It will run at the speed and have the capacity of the best of today's computers and it will definitely bring at least 500 dollars to your walllet
2006-12-15 21:40:28 UTC
With my 3-yr-old comp, i sold the 512MB memory module on ebay for 40 bucks, the sound card for 30 bucks, and might be able to sell the DVD drive and harddrive, but haven't tried. So you might be able to part it out for about 50 to 100 bucks, and the items are easy to ship.

The monitor is too heavy to ship in my opinion.. not worth the money to the buyer.
2006-12-15 21:25:50 UTC
I don't think eBay is a good idea. The reason I say that is because eBay buyers have a tendency to want more then need. Second of all you would lose money and not gain much. I heard of the saying, "it is better to give then it is to recieve." This is the season of giving. Happy holidays
John C
2006-12-15 14:27:52 UTC
do what i do ,, refurbish them and clean them,, then

either, try to sell at a yard sale ,,for a minimal price,, $50-$60 bucks complete,, then if you cant then ,,,

donate them to charity and use it as a charitable contribution so you can use it as a deduction on your taxes,, that will give it the best value

no one wants older comps like that, for 2 reasons

1. just too slow and doesnt allow much for upgrading,,

2. ebay, craigslist yahoo auctions, and sites like that,, the shipping cost is way too high to send,, its more than the value of the comp system,, average is about $50 bucks for shipping,,, for a tower and monitor

also 15 " CRT monitors are dinosaurs in todays comp market,,,

do yourself a favor,, if you cant sell them off before the holidays ,, try a comp trade show, some still buy older stuff and put newer stuff in it,, but if all fails,,

give to charity before the end of the year and claim for a tax credit,,,

or you have one other option,, take all the boards out , take all the metal and take it to a scrap yard and get some money for it,,, scrap out the boards the pins on the boards are made of 1/10 of a troy ounce of gold... alot of comp dealers i know are doing that ,,, w/ all their out dated mother boards, sound and video cards and modem and ethernet cards !!!!
You may be right
2006-12-17 12:59:53 UTC
Computers are throw away technology

you buy it, you use it, you throw it away

You don't normally sell them, you use it for 5 years and then buy a new one.

Just give them to some poor person, or a charity.

That is the quickest and best way to get rid of them.
2006-12-17 00:51:19 UTC
Turn them into yard art! Put them out by the road with a for sale sign on them. You could probably make $40 off of them that way.
Joe S
2006-12-16 10:51:57 UTC
I donated some old computer stuff to my college. They use the parts for student computers that fail and need immediate replacement/fixing. Be sure to get a receipt for you taxes.

On the open market, you will get very little money.
2006-12-15 23:24:02 UTC
Take them to a TAX Deductable Donation Center. Get a receipt fill in the amount that you purchased the computers for originally. Give to accountant.
2006-12-15 21:05:22 UTC
Give to an organization that needs it.

I gave a fully functioning P2 computer with 17Inch Sony

monitor a school for $0 dollars on Craig's List.


Worry, Fret, Argue with YourSelf how much you can get

for IT.

Be smart: It ain't worth a lot.
2006-12-15 12:58:50 UTC
Well, as "old PCs" you won't get much for them as is, but if you modify them and then resell them as something new you might get more for them. Think of what you have now as materials instead of junk.

For instance, if you have several 15" monitors and PCs laying around then buy some security cameras and monitoring software. Add some larger hard drives and then sell the PCs with the monitors and everything you added as digital home security systems. The money you spent on upgrades you can recoup when you sell it as a home security system (of course you will likely need to set it up for whoever buys it). As a home security system, nobody is looking at the specs of the PC. You don't need a super high end CPU or flat panel LCD monitors for it to be effective and so you've turned your old PC into something useful that won't go obsolete tomorrow since almost any old PC can be used for this purpose. So now you have a product with some value to it over just old PCs and monitors. Sure it's a long shot and requires some extra research and labor, but if it sells you stand a far better chance of making money.

Otherwise if you just try to sell away old used PCs and CRT monitors then you're not going to get much for them if anything.
Mt ~^^~~^^~
2006-12-16 01:06:25 UTC
As a hobby, I will fix up old computers for kids in my area who cannot afford to buy one themselves. People throw out 1 Gig processor and up computers around here. Everyone I know brings me computers they have found by the garbage. They are a dime a dozen. But for people who don't know anyone like me- they may pay $100.00 for a working system.
stephen b
2006-12-15 13:45:32 UTC
Acknowledge that you have a used and difficulte item to get "meaningful" money out of. Keep it. It makes an ideal "core" for (1) setting burglar alarms (2) turning off and on lights around the house (3) Monitering(off and on) on sprinklers (4) storeing recipies and phone numbers (5) running music systems around the house (6) locking and unlocking doors, both human and non-human, and on and on.
Chase H
2006-12-16 19:52:55 UTC
Well, I suggest Ebay or Craigslist if you live in Vancouver, Washington or Portland, Oregon. If Ebay doesnt work out for you, then try a local pawn shop. They give good money for things. I hope I could help!
sethy Z
2006-12-16 07:05:35 UTC
your dell isnt exactly old 3 years usually seems pretty bad but upgraded its as good as new.

ebay would be my recommendation or craiglist

ebay is auction craiglist is sell it without hassle

15" is pretty nice and now that everyone wants flaat panels some businesses or other budget saving people wouldnt mind a boat anchor like that.

im not much of a pc person but i know enough to know that dells are excellent computers especially dimensions.

im a mac guy but i deal with old crappy pc's as well but mine are too crappy to even mention to a pawn shop.

best of luck--seth
2006-12-16 05:57:39 UTC
First of all, let me be the first to introduce you to the reality that the money you put into your computer system(s) CANNOT IN ANY WAY be considered an investment. It's used JUNK. So you really have 2 choices:

1. Hang on to it forever in hopes of "reselling" it

2. Recycle it and hope it doesn't cost you much
2006-12-15 16:37:18 UTC
Donate them to a computer club so that they can be disected by the kids. You aren't going to get much in the way of cash for them, but you could help some kids learn about the inner workings of computers.... you might also be able to claim a deduction on your taxes for the donation, but I'm not sure about that.
Martin M
2006-12-17 01:24:08 UTC
You donate it to a school or Library, and write it off on your taxes for 1/2 the original value.
2006-12-16 18:20:35 UTC
Take them to your local auction house (not Ebay) during the school holidays. You get lots of Mum and Dads then for some reason and they tend to pay to much for computer equipment.
Antione E
2006-12-16 12:43:58 UTC
Try ebay and put it up for auction, you may have to put it up a cople of time and promote a bit. There is some one some where that may can't afford a new computer and will buy it. Start of at a low bid though.
2006-12-18 05:13:44 UTC
If you donate it to a charity, you can get the purhace price as a tax deduction. Since the purchase price is many times what it is really worth, the benefits behind donating it are greater than trying to sell it on the open market.
2006-12-17 12:56:33 UTC
Sell them to a used computer store or pawnshop. Or place an ad in the Sunday newspaper.
2006-12-16 16:39:15 UTC
My idea doesn't give you an instant monetary reward----but have you thought of giving these to those who are less fortunate? I can say from having done so the warm feeling you get from helping a needy person open worlds up to them they never dreamed possible is far more rewarding than anything money can buy.
2006-12-16 13:35:57 UTC
Don't plan on making much money at all on this stuff because nobody wants it. I just took a sony 15" CRT screen to a charity place, and i gave them my old computer too.
Janice 10
2006-12-16 13:14:16 UTC
Put up a flyer at the local collages, on their builletin board. I am sure a college student in need of a computer would buy it, and you would be helping out a college student also. Best Wishes and Happy Holidays.
2017-02-09 23:21:53 UTC
2006-12-16 22:36:53 UTC
Try Ebay or Craigslist
2006-12-16 08:42:40 UTC
Today people can get "old" equipment, then upgrade it to almost new. I have sold several pieces of electronics on E-bay, but believe it or not.....I once sold an old computer at my annual garage sale...for $100 less than I had originally paid
2006-12-16 10:27:19 UTC
Secondhand computers, monitors or even electrical equipment sells next to nothing. I doubt that you will get what you are asking for them. You can buy brandnew computers complete these days for under £200
dread pirate lavenderbeard
2006-12-16 18:38:46 UTC
best way is to drill a hole through the both of them, and wire it up as a lamp and advertise it as an art deco lamp on e-bay. An old computer is pretty useless except as a lamp most of the time.
Walking on Sunshine
2006-12-15 17:31:34 UTC
Sorry but electronics depreciate at 30x the rate of other high end purchases. Licenses are the main reason - they are non-transferable. The best you can hope for is a free recycling location - if you are in SoCal you can call 1-877 PC RECYCLE for a drop site. Good Luck!
2006-12-17 16:20:39 UTC
Either use E-Bay, or if you can't get rid of them donate them to a school and take it off on your taxes has a donation. Or look in your local phone and see who would buy them, perhaps a Resale Shop.
2006-12-18 04:16:12 UTC
try donating them. there is no money in old equipment these days. You might even find it hard to find someplace that you can donate them to that will take them since they won't run some of the newer software.
2006-12-17 13:39:03 UTC
Ok, You really won't get any money for that old equiptment anywhere, what I would do is find someone who cannot afford a system and set them up with your old system andfeel good about yourself for a while, Like I did with my old one just last year!
2006-12-15 17:13:02 UTC
I think you would get the most from them by donating them to either the local schools, or some type of non-profit organization like Goodwill or the Salvation Army, possibly an agency for the homeless or jobless.
2014-08-06 18:46:08 UTC
Ccleaner is the application I use to clean up my system when my pc slows down because of viruses, trojans or malwares. Free Download here:

You should definitly try it
2006-12-17 13:10:13 UTC
Sell it on E-bay with fuzzy pictures and not much of a description.

Also add a lot to the shipping cost.
2006-12-16 19:58:12 UTC
Computer monitors are considered hazardous waste. It is hard to get rid of them. You can buy hundreds of government surplus monitors for next to nothing because they are trying to get rid of them. If it is in good working order, you could donate it, but please don't if it doesn't work. Charities get enough crappy stuff as it is that they are stuck with disposing of. Try and find a computer recycling operation.
Heidi D
2006-12-17 17:34:06 UTC
I know Gateway had a program where you can turn it back into them and they'd buy it off of you. I'm sure Dell would have the same thing...
2006-12-17 15:19:24 UTC
How about donating them to a school and then take the tax write off?
2006-12-17 14:48:09 UTC
eBay is your best bet. If you know something about computers, you can sell one part by part provided you can accurately describe the parts. The parts are worth more than the whole:)
2006-12-16 11:42:55 UTC
You will need to be very careful about getting tax deductions because sometimes they may audit! I know!!

Your best bet is to give it to a charitable foundation were a group of kids, homeless, or elderly can enjoy it. After all It 'Tis the season.
2006-12-15 12:34:56 UTC
cut the motherboard up and make key chains out of them. Depending on the age of the tower and if they are compatable with the newer motherboards, you might be able to sell them for a few bucks. Unless the powersupply is more than 350-400w, that is almost useless but could be sold on Ebay. Anything else in the PC is useless junk.

The monitors - if they work, you might be able to sell them for a few dollars - $5. Your going to pay for salvage/recycling cost - and you can't get rid of them at a local dump.
2006-12-17 12:30:55 UTC
How do I get the most money for an old PC and monitor?

throw it from the roof and jump with it .

i will give you the money
hot single mom
2006-12-16 02:10:57 UTC
Go to e-bay or your local penny-saver classified you might even want to include 3 months service and 4 hours training included or something to that effect to prove that your system is worth purchasing. Best of Luck to you!
2006-12-16 16:26:26 UTC
Honestly, you won't get much. $50 bucks at the most. I've been in your situation.

You might be better donating them to a charity, and writing it off as a charitable contribution on your taxes.
Ex Head
2006-12-16 05:36:09 UTC
Sell or donate it to a family that needs one for a child to use. Be sure that whatever you do with it though, if it has any personal info on it, clean it up first before you get rid of it.
Jerry J
2006-12-15 12:22:07 UTC
Unfortunately, CRTs are becoming obsolete. If you don't have luck with craigslist or ebay, you probably won't be able to sell them.

In some cities, hazardous disposal laws are such that you can't legally throw them away (which you shouldn't do anyway), and you'll have to pay anywhere up to $50 to get them recycled.

If you don't want to do that, find out if you can give them away to a school, or find a free exchange website. In our area we have

I know you were originally asking about selling these, but my experience is you won't have any luck.
2006-12-17 09:47:22 UTC
I take mine to the hills and blast the sh!t out of them with a 12 guage shotgun
2006-12-16 10:43:58 UTC
Sell the pc by parts it's probably worth more that way, try selling the parts on eBay
2006-12-17 20:58:47 UTC
Donate them to an inner-city school. The school will be happy to have them, and you get a nice write-off on your taxes.
2006-12-17 18:19:12 UTC
If u want to get a lot of money for them then go to some1 who can tell you or make it a bid on ebay
2006-12-16 05:46:21 UTC
Donate to Charity is your best answer. Recycling helps everyone and is good business. Stuff them with LINUX based software to avoid licensing hassles. Kubuntu and SimplyMEPIS are good choices.
Justin K
2006-12-17 18:40:35 UTC
You could take it apart and sell the parts

or put it on ebay
2006-12-17 12:10:30 UTC
Forget it an old PC and monitor is worthless just scrap it and dump it in the garbage. xx
2006-12-17 01:17:22 UTC
old pc and monitor lose most of there value after 5 years. you wont get much money
2006-12-16 20:22:50 UTC
Try donating them (school, charity, homeless shelter, library, etc.). Since you probably won't make much by selling them, you may make out better using them as a tax writeoff.
2006-12-16 13:36:03 UTC
The best thing to do is donate them to a charitable organization and get a receipt and take it off your taxes.
Troy J
2006-12-16 08:16:58 UTC
Dell buys back there old systems and monitors. Just check You'll see what I mean.
2006-12-18 05:00:28 UTC
summing up all the answers u got.

1. u can sell them in whole to some needy corporate sector.

2. u can donate them to charity and claim income tax (IRS) redemption.

if you are good economically, i would recommend you go for 2nd option.
2006-12-17 14:31:34 UTC
Keep the Ethernet card!
2006-12-16 02:39:12 UTC
well if you have a computer over years old it is only cheap for you get the amount of money like -£-50-60- pounds so if it is old technology it will be so hard to get all your money back
2006-12-15 23:23:46 UTC
depend on your tax bracket. If you are 40% tax bracket, you'll deduct the "cost of computer" for charity donation. However, if you are 10% bracket, it may not be wothwhile to donate them. Give it to your kids and load it with kid games.
2006-12-15 13:42:38 UTC
The slickest and easiest way is to donate it to Goodwill (IF they will take such an old computer) and take it as a tax write off. It is toward the end of the year, so now is a good time to do so.
2006-12-18 11:28:20 UTC
u should add free printer and sell it for a about 500 dollars

good luck thats with out tax tooo
2006-12-18 03:25:08 UTC
Try to sell by e-bay. I guess there is more people looking for computers.
2006-12-16 03:12:30 UTC
To make a piece of art. The answer inspired by Picasso's "Bird" made of wooden chips.
2006-12-18 12:46:50 UTC
Yes, sell it for parts on eBay. To punch up the bidding, claim you seen a virgin Angel flash before you right before it crashed. (kiddin), (maybe kiddin) ;-
Sleeping Troll
2006-12-18 05:49:39 UTC
Donate it to a school and claim an income deduction.
2006-12-17 10:12:09 UTC
you can probly try to sell it on ebay and keep adding on to the price everyday and then you can probly get a lot of money
2006-12-15 19:18:40 UTC
pawn shop or newspapers are your best bet...Ive got a 98 DELL model upgraded to a 2000 with DVD/CD burner..High speed ready with speakers for only 165$ and he delivered it...
2006-12-17 20:12:13 UTC
i think that ebay would be your best solution,i bought 3 computers off there last year.
2006-12-16 21:41:54 UTC
Put it on ebay or craigslist. But don't think you have gold if you only have lead to offer.
2006-12-15 17:21:23 UTC
can you send me a little more info on those computers I may have a buyer for you cause on fee bay you will lose money new ones are to cheap and the listing fees will kill your profit
2006-12-16 17:20:23 UTC
Either have a good heart and donate it to some charity or you can charge your friends to beat it up with you.
tammy d
2006-12-16 15:15:58 UTC
used computers are like old socks once they are used no body wants them. the best thing to do is make sure they get recycled properly.
2006-12-16 11:21:06 UTC
Put them on the good old eBay
spell loicos
2006-12-18 10:55:14 UTC
try advertising in the local paper or check out donating this equitment to your local school or non profit orignations for a tax credit on your taxes some orinizations give you full price credit on orignal price thanks for your time
2006-12-15 14:16:02 UTC
I'm with giving it to charity or goodwill and writing off on your know you can claim up to $500.00 a year for questions asked. Any more than that you will need won't get much for it anywhere else.
Shanti H
2006-12-18 09:58:23 UTC
Try selling it to a second hand shop or refurbished shop. They can pay yuo for it and then they try and sell it to their customers.
victor m
2006-12-18 09:33:24 UTC
try to sell it privately or wright it off of your taxes. old computers don't have much value
2006-12-17 16:44:34 UTC
Try ebay or or just try and donate it to a school and use for tax break.
2006-12-17 06:34:14 UTC
Oh wow we have similar names take it to the pawn shop.
2006-12-16 14:27:39 UTC
Boat anchors actually cost more than you could get for a dinosaur like you have. If they sink, use them as boat anchors.
2006-12-18 13:37:08 UTC
ebay is out of the question, too large to ship . I would put it on craigslist
2006-12-16 14:24:55 UTC
Try putting an AD in the Pennysaver.

hope this will help you,

2006-12-16 00:27:29 UTC
auction it off on ebay dude,my mom just bought a damn wii off of there for $550,so i know u can get somethin for ur pc
2006-12-17 15:45:11 UTC
advertise as cheap student starter computer. anyway either way you won't get much for it.
2006-12-17 10:56:28 UTC
you cant old computers are worth nothing now because everything is so much easier to have
2006-12-17 18:10:16 UTC
I would donate it to a charitable society or give it to less needy people.
Chris M
2006-12-16 19:28:52 UTC
if you can find someone you know who really wants a computer, sell it to that person

i find when i sell stuff publicly it doesn't always give the most money
2006-12-17 11:57:40 UTC
Donate them to charity........ you won't get a lot of money, but you will feel good about it
2006-12-16 04:19:38 UTC
just donate them to charity and get a tax write-off, you might not get it off right away but at least you will get something out of it.
2006-12-15 16:20:54 UTC
You should know by now, that computers aren't that great at resale!!! unfortunately they are more of being a disposable commodity!!
2006-12-15 13:16:28 UTC
Honestly, no one wants an old computer...If I were you, I would donate it and use it as a tax write-off. you'll get the most that way, but it won't be immediate cash.
2006-12-15 08:30:41 UTC
If you have an eBay membership, try, the lower-priced arm of eBay. One membership gets you into either one. But be sure the hard drives are cleaned up and everything is operating properly.

Most pawn shops won't take them, they can't sell them either. Parents won't buy them for their kids, the kids are smart enough to want newer, better, etc,. etc.
2006-12-16 15:53:48 UTC
I'm not sure, but i think you should put them on eBay. Eventually, someone will buy them.
U can't B like me
2006-12-15 15:38:09 UTC
take it to a place like a computer shop were they buy used parts they may want them for parts.
Linda M
2006-12-18 09:32:37 UTC
make it into a sculpture. then sell it as a piee of art, you may be able to get more for it..
2006-12-15 21:08:47 UTC
try giving it a thrift shop and getting a tax deduction
2006-12-15 12:53:33 UTC
Post them on your Local Craigslist I have sold many computers and many other things on this site. It is absolutely free. Good luck.
2006-12-18 02:22:26 UTC
have you tried to sell it to hispanic people they usually buy stuff like this to send it to mexico
2006-12-17 01:56:08 UTC
sell it on ebay
2006-12-15 18:37:29 UTC
just charge $75 to $100 and be done with it...
2006-12-15 13:53:18 UTC
donate and write off the taxes. Ditto for cars over 12 years old
TiMoThY sImPsOn
2006-12-18 11:56:56 UTC
look it up and see how much it is worth, and sell it around that area
kiki howa
2006-12-17 11:41:33 UTC
You can decorate it and put it on online auction
2006-12-16 18:14:13 UTC
2 Words "Garage Sale" or "Pawn Show" or "Computer Store"
2006-12-15 23:20:32 UTC
donate is the best return ..for used can not use but the people who can not buy the can use very well ....i hope this is best price for it..
Yellow Tail
2006-12-17 07:19:38 UTC
Sell it on e-bay.
2006-12-16 23:18:07 UTC
look for a new user who does not require latest applications..
1 + 1 = 10
2006-12-15 17:23:32 UTC
Overclock the CPU, watercool and seal the system and turn it into a functional computer/fishtank!!!
Philip T
2006-12-15 13:55:15 UTC
You will never get as much money for a PC as you would by selling it overseas .... especially to people residing in the Middle East.

They pay about 5 times as much for this technology as we do.

The logistics of how to go about this can vary & are up to you.


Philip T
2006-12-18 11:32:02 UTC
i would say to put it on e-bay or ask a high school teacher if he would buy it.
2006-12-18 07:01:28 UTC
See Gentlemen, u can get more money by painting it with white colour paint.... Hihihihi.....
cry student
2006-12-16 08:29:34 UTC
say it has lots of features .before you go to sell it look up the computer you have then learn some of its features .also lie aLittle that always helps .
2006-12-15 22:02:59 UTC
eBay or Craigslist
gary d
2006-12-16 14:06:42 UTC
Just put it on your curb and be glad someone takes it.
2006-12-15 08:33:10 UTC
give it to charity and deduct on taxes maybe, besides what you can buy these days for the money makes your's of little or no value just give it away to a young family member or someone that can use it
2006-12-17 08:01:49 UTC
if you want money for it, just sell it on eBay!
2006-12-16 22:03:58 UTC
eBay will be your best bet for sell it ,they up date them so fast that they an,t wroth nothing
2006-12-17 03:46:02 UTC
you could try craiglist if you have it in aera you are at. have a great day..
2006-12-16 06:40:34 UTC
save it for another hundred years, it will become an antique.then sell it.
2006-12-17 00:21:22 UTC
pawn it or put it on ebay
2006-12-15 12:56:04 UTC
Try a few pawn shops. Go to several and get offers then take it to the highest payer.
2006-12-15 11:50:53 UTC
I work for an IT service provider and we set up asset recycling and recovery projects for our clients.

Check out this site. You may be able to get cash for turning the products in to a computer recycling company
2006-12-15 08:30:13 UTC
your CRTs arn't worth anything right now. You'll be lucky to get $20 per. As of computers ... eBay or charity would be your best bet. Those are waaay to old, sry.
2006-12-17 17:19:35 UTC
you answered this yourself, but i would recommend ebay
K AKarr
2006-12-15 15:04:09 UTC
Please!! Don't Donate it to your local school system, if you can't use it, they can't. Especially the older models! Normally what happens is the school can't use it and then they have to pay to get rid of it, thus costing the school system money for your unwanted old computer. Not Cool!!! So, don't donate it to a school system unless they ask. :-)
2006-12-15 12:55:22 UTC
donate them to a school system and take the tax right off
2006-12-17 10:33:47 UTC
ill take it, willing to ship to uk
2006-12-16 05:04:14 UTC
there is site were u can sell on good price
2006-12-15 13:49:22 UTC
donate and write off in taxes
2006-12-15 08:31:53 UTC
i would say sell it piece by piece to people or on ebay or seomthing because you can get alot more than if you go the whole thing
2006-12-16 11:58:22 UTC
clean them up, make them look new
2006-12-15 18:55:17 UTC
sell it to a blind person for max. bucks.
2006-12-15 13:20:58 UTC
donate them, take the donation off your taxes
2006-12-18 05:41:43 UTC
throw it in the garbage :)
Brandi S
2006-12-18 12:19:15 UTC
I dont know?
2006-12-18 09:29:41 UTC
hecky if i kno
Brunette Reset
2006-12-18 11:42:53 UTC
go to this link
2006-12-15 13:37:53 UTC
OK , This is the best way to make your money back....

Find the biggest hammer you have ...Just smack the hell out of it and consider it therapy.....The cost of a regular session would run hundreds . So consider your self ahead......It felt good didn't it ?
2006-12-15 18:27:24 UTC
rub dirt on it!
2006-12-15 13:05:22 UTC
i took my old stuff to a pawn shop, but i didn't get much...maybe $20 for a monitor. the printer they didn't even want.
2006-12-15 15:56:30 UTC
Richard H
2006-12-15 11:38:40 UTC
There are places where you can recycle them...I don't know if they pay anything though.
2006-12-15 20:48:52 UTC
2006-12-15 16:09:35 UTC
I really don't know what you're talking about.Sorry
The Scorpion
2006-12-15 15:18:26 UTC
they are essentially worthless, sorry.
2006-12-15 08:26:49 UTC
Take it to the pawn shop and they would buy it off of you.
Nana B
2006-12-15 14:08:46 UTC
go to hard u can get money to buy it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.