The Pdf was unclear on how to configure the board for this mode. However, I am pretty sure this is the default setting. Just tell me if Im wrong. Also, I wont be needing a sketch to configure it if is default, right? Besides the commands that affect zooming and focusing, of course. Im not that much of a noob. Also, I would rather configure for Composite video. Its just that I plan on sending this ANALOG data over an Xbee module which will convert the signal into digital then into a pulse width modulated output. I certaintly could build a low pass filter to recover the analog signal but I read somewhere that most of the signal will have been lost and that the re-conversion and transmission of the data leads to significant signal loss. This is bad. I cannot have this, so I have decided it would be much easier to go with the UART interface. Correct me if Im wrong about anything, To be honest, I am not experienced.