2010-07-16 12:24:37 UTC
My question is - will cluttering up the HDD with data files (videos/music) in the separate partition slow down the loading of OS/games? Should I avoid putting any storage files into the HDD completely and use it purely for gaming and OS?
For example, consider these two scenarios
1) Partition 1 (OS) - 10 out of 100 GB
Partition 2 (Game) - 50 out of 400 GB
Partition 3 (Storage) - 0 out of 500 GB
2) Partition 1 (OS) - 10 out of 100 GB
Partition 2 (Game) - 50 out of 400 GB
Partition 3 (Storage) - 400 out of 500 GB <== **difference**
Will OS and games load faster in scenario 1 than scenario 2?