Lawful Good Red Dragon
2008-11-10 20:31:21 UTC
I am aware that the certification is, if not a must, then almost a must, and will be taking the courses necessary.
What i need though, i a computer that is capable of externally hooking up an internal hard drive, the same way you might hook up an external one. I need it to be able to run security suit software, to clean those hard drives, i need it to be fast, with a good bit of ram, i am thinking 2.66 core 2 quad and 6gigs of ram, i can skimp on the hard drive and the graphics card, because this thing is only going to be scanning other computers.
I know i am going to need serious tools, tools i already have or will acquire.
I was telling you all that, to get the bull crap out of the way, so i dont have a bunch of no nothing 2bit hacks telling me that i "get a fast computer"
What i need to know, are good brands of external hard drive "docks", and what is the correct terminology for them, i know my way around the inside of a computer, but i need to be able to build a computer that can slave an internal hard drive externally.
I also need to know what kind of diagnostic software is available for error checking the registry of a hard drive that is in slave mode
Computers are my passion, and it pains me to see those people at best buy, 90% of them doing a job that a trained monkey could do, I want to really offer personalized help, and creative solutions.
I also plan to do advising, and upgrade installation in computers.
Also, if anybody knows any good books on the subject manner, that would really rock too
and this is a warning to spammers, i will delete and report spam answers.