First of all check whether u r connected to the internet. check out the leds on the modem. Leds speaks lot about the connection more than the computer does. Follows these steps to check the connection.
1.go to command prompt(start>run>cmd) and type the command “ipconfig”
-> if you get 169.254.*.* it means that u r not connected to the internet. May
modem is not connected of the computer is not connected or the line
coming in to your home is having a physical problem.
Check it out by disconnecting all the connection to the modem and to the computer and also the connection to the wall jack. Wait for 40 seconds and reconnection them. Make a small change in them just swap the ends and check them out. And restart the computer. And check out the leds on the modem. One more information what is the modem name and the model number. It will be easy to trouble shoot if the information is know. Each and everything has its own steps.
2.check this command in command problem.
ping = interesting thing about this command that when u get 100% result it means that your Ethernet card if perfect.
3.Type this command in command prompt
ping – if it comes 100% success it means that your connection but the dns server is not read by your computer. Just call your service provider and ask for the dns setting. And once configuring the dns setting in the lan your computer will communicated properly.
If u give me exact detail I will be able to help you with exact details. ok