2013-10-23 00:22:40 UTC
For some reason, every so often my mouse and keyboard will both start acting strangely, and have been doing it for quite some time. The mouse will highlight things around it and anything I click in a browser starts in a new tab, anything at all, anything I click on. And likewise, anywhere I click, it highlights around it too. The keyboard acts as if caps lock is on when it isn't and some of the letters/symbols change to other characters. It's starting to get a bit more than just annoying. At first I thought it was just because the mouse and keyboard I had were old, like really old, so I bought a new set of each thinking that would solve the issue, but it happened again this morning. (Only got the new mouse and keyboard yesterday!) Sometimes I leave my computer on for long periods of time if that has anything to do with it, heh.
Any help would be greatly appreciated