Here are a few simple tips for maintaining the performance of your PC.
Run the Regristryclean up scan
See automatically checks your hard disk for any unnecessary files and gives you the option to delete them. You can run the clean up scan if you're only interested in performing a disk cleanup—or you can run the comprehensive full service scan to check for other PC issues as well.
Remove unused programs
Just because you aren't using a program doesn't mean it isn't consuming resources and affecting your PC's performance. Removing unused programs from your hard disk is an easy way to maintain your system and maximize your available hard disk space.
To remove programs you don't need anymore:
1. Click Start, then click Control Panel.
2. In Category View, click Add or Remove Programs, then click Remove a program.
3. Scroll through the list and examine each program. Windows XP lists how often you use a program and what day you last started it.
Note: Don't remove anything labeled "Update" or "Hotfix." These things improve the security of your computer.
4. Click a program you no longer need, click Change/Remove, and then follow the prompts to uninstall it. (In some cases, a program may be removed without prompting you further.)
You may have to restart your computer after removing a program. After your computer restarts, repeat this procedure to remove more programs.
Note: You must be in order to complete these steps.
Remove optional Windows components
You can remove optional Windows components from your PC to free up space. Many components come standard with Windows, but you may not use them frequently. You can reinstall these components from your Windows CD if you need them later.
To add or remove a Windows component:
1. Click Start, then click Control Panel.
2. In Category View, click Add or Remove Programs, then click Add a program.
3. On the left side of the menu, click Add/Remove Windows Components.
4. Follow the instructions in the Windows Components Wizard.
Note: You must be in order to complete these steps.
Modify System Restore data
Windows XP provides the option to restore your PC to a previous state by automatically saving restore information. System Restore continuously monitors your PC for changes, such as file changes, application changes, or installations. System Restore takes a "snapshot" of your PC at a given point in time and then stores each of these snapshots so that you can roll back any changes to a period before you experienced problems.
As you can imagine, these snapshots of your whole system take up memory space. You can delete older snapshots that you're sure you won't need in order to clean up your hard disk.
To delete System Restore snapshots except for the most recent one:
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to System Tools, and then click Disk Cleanup.
2. Wait while Disk Cleanup calculates free disk space.
3. Click the More Options tab, and then, in the System Restore area, click Clean up….
Scan and Clean Up your Registry
Lots of things get saved on your PC that you don't need. Some are benign. Some slow you down. And some let prying eyes track what you do on your PC.
install Registry cleaner and run daily
Use the tool: [if you do not have one]
Scan/Remove spyware
Your computer may be infected with Spyware, Adware, worms or Hidden Trojans!
install Antispyware and run daily [if you do not have one]
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