Which is better - Windows or Mac?
2008-11-14 14:50:11 UTC
I need to get a new computer pretty soon here and I'm debating over whether to get another Dell computer or one from Apple. I've never owned a Mac before. What are the pros and cons of each? For those of you who switched over to a Mac after always using Windows, is there anything you miss about it?
Fifteen answers:
Let me steer you
2008-11-14 15:16:29 UTC
Everyone I know who has made the switch swears they'll never go back to the Windows operating system.

I don't want to learn a new operating system, and Windows has always done everything I needed it to do. I also have not experienced the crashes and other problems that others claim to have been plagued with, especially since the XP version came out.

There is infinitely more software and more applications available for the PC format than for MAC. So that's another concern I would have about changing.

Plus the fact that MAC is much more expensive.
2015-08-06 19:54:40 UTC
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Which is better - Windows or Mac?

I need to get a new computer pretty soon here and I'm debating over whether to get another Dell computer or one from Apple. I've never owned a Mac before. What are the pros and cons of each? For those of you who switched over to a Mac after always using Windows, is there anything you miss about it?
2008-11-14 16:27:49 UTC
It pretty much comes down to which operating system you like more. Mac has a pretty simple and intuitive operating system. A lot of people find it easy to use and enjoyable. However, if you've never owned a Mac before, you may find your way around Windows a bit easier.

I'm sure you're aware that Vista/Windows looks pretty much like this, and I'm sure you know how to find all your programs and get to everything.

Mac OS X looks a little different. I've never owned a Mac myself, but they look a bit like this.

Finding your way around the Mac might take a little getting used to. If you have any friends with a Mac, you should ask them to show you how to use it, and see if you like it.

Like I said before, for most people it just comes down to whether you like using the Windows interface or the Mac interface.
2008-11-14 14:58:06 UTC
It depends on u actually if ur a gamer or someone who just like to surf the web Windows is better. If ur a musicians or music editor Mac is great for those kinda things. Also If I was u I wouldnt get another Dell their nothing but trouble get a HP or Gateway.
2008-11-16 14:47:17 UTC
I have a Macbook, and totally LOVE it. I used to have a dell laptop a year back. One thing that i miss about it, is just not having it. usually everyone that I know has a windows. But when i show it off to my friends, they are totally amazed by it. So pros and cons




no viruses, spyware, ect

Its fast

programs are SUPER easy to do

very easy to set up and use

6 hour battery life!

the macbook has a sweeet keyboard

you can install windows xp or vista on it and have both Mac and Windows on the same computer. for programs that arent compatible with the mac

macs version of office (iWork) is only 80 dollars compared to Windows Office's 150 dollars


not compatible with windows programs

you cant write(put anything onto) a portable hard drive used by windows computers

some online games, ect arent compatible with the mac (very few)

If you already have a dell computer, most likely you have the disc for windows. it is super easy to set up, so you can use windows programs that you have that arent compatible with mac.

If I were you i would get a mac. It is expensive but you can shave off about 200-300 dollars getting a refurbished one. I got my white macbook 2.1 ghz 1 gig memory 120 hd for 950. I upgraded the memory to 2 gigs for 29 bucks off eBay.
2008-11-14 15:00:26 UTC
Mac is more efficient than PC and it does have Microsoft Office and also since only 5%of the computers are Macs, no one bothers sending a virus (the chances of you getting a virus with PC are much higher)

So...Buy a Mac :-D
2008-11-14 14:56:16 UTC
Hi i have a mac air book and a sony vaio on windows both laptops. ermm.. it terms of using adobe applications Mac runs these applications better and there are alot of other design softwares out there for mac which arent around for windows. But to be honest windows is easier, there isn't anything you can do on mac that can't be made possible on windows and why learn a new o/s system when you know windows

hope that helps!
2014-12-18 23:00:21 UTC
i agree personally i use a mac but it depends on what you use it for. like windows if you like to do gaming i would use windows but if you like to work with photos or vids music or school work (like me) i would use a mac.
2008-11-14 15:25:39 UTC
LOL. Windows Destroys Mac. You can barely customize anything in Mac, and Windows has poached all of the sweet features a mac had anyways. Not being able to maximize windows in mac drives me nuts, And Mac's are set up for ease of use.

If you want to go further with your knowledge of a computer get Windows.
2013-11-03 10:02:20 UTC
windows is better u can't run .exe files on mac
2008-11-14 14:54:45 UTC
They say, once you go Mac you never go back.

I personally prefer Windows, but thats just my preference.
2008-11-16 12:59:39 UTC
2008-11-14 14:58:49 UTC
I have switched, and i love Mac!!!! =) No i don't miss anything but i like that it has A Calculater, Calender, Dictonary, iTunes etc. If your a gamer than you should get a dell but only if your a gamer.! =)
2008-11-14 14:54:11 UTC

Windows: Slow, Sluggish, has a higher cost of ownership (meaning you will have to pay more for repairs, you need expensive anti-virus software)

Mac: Much faster, looks better, comes with great programs, easy to use, good customer service, etc.
2008-11-14 14:54:35 UTC
buy a mac..

windows has been inconsistent.. they're pulling off their vistas.. whadya reckon?

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