2009-05-17 21:09:40 UTC
I bought a new WRT54G2 linksys wireless today and im a subscriber of COMCAST DSL+CABLE. i followed the set-up guideline in the CD during installation step-by-step yet no avail specially in the process of network configuration (step 4/4 in the set-up CD),
i have tried to set-it-up manually,
(which is Computer / Ethernet cable connected to the WRT54G2 + COMCAST MODEM INTERNET CHORD connected to the WRT54G2)
i can now access internet but im wired using the set-up above,
my problem is that, when i try to access (which is mostly suggested to access to configure the wireless options etc...)
and entered the indicated default password in the guide :
" When prompted , leave the user name blank and type in the password to your router " default is "admin" (w/o the quotes).
i cannot access the said address and i stuck at this point.
i tried to reset / unplug everything but still no avail...
(Sorry for my bad english =[ )