My lap top is slow,it keeps freezing and when it loads it makes a noise so loud you'd think it was just starting up. i think it way be from 4share and conduit. That's when it started being slow and they wont uninstall.then it started downloading stuff on its own idk how i thought it was possessed. then my friend stepped on it and now its a little open in the back.i tried super gluing it but it didn't work. And sometimes it just closes browsers im using. And it disabled cookies on every web site i go on except places like 4shared and Delta search witch pop up automatically. Delta over came 4shared so i don't see it any more but its still on my laptop it has a search tries its best not to let me search up stuff ny going back to every time i clear the thing to search something new and my shock wave flash always crashes. And sometimes it restarts. No for updates.For nothing it just turns off then turns back on.It even freezes when im trying to log into the laptop itself.And there are pop ups every where. And on certain websites there are lines under words and when you scroll over them its an add! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! AND I HAVE NO IDEA ABOUT WHAT THE **** IS WRONG WITH MY LAP TOP!