2011-06-22 20:08:28 UTC
So I just built my new pc, and I have a crucial M4 64GB SSD with the OS on it. I also have 2 identical 2TB hard drives that will be used for data in a Raid 1 format. I just got all the driver cd's installed, and rebooted and stopped into the bios to figure out the raid. I set the ide configuration from IDE to RAID, and then rebooted, and the next time it booted, it stated to press ctrl-i for the RAID utility... so I did... I went to create RAID volume, and then created a Raid 1 volume called DATA with the 2 samsung drives. The Disk/Volume Information says there is a raid 1 named data with a status normal and it is labeled as bootable. The m4 is listed as a non-raid disk, while the 2 samsung disks are member disk (0).
So that looks great, and I go ahead and reboot, and I get the message that there is no bootable volume (no os installed). so I went to the bios thinking that the RAID volume had taken the place of the m4... I arranged the order ssd, DVD, usb. It still won't boot.... Do I need to set the m4 as it's own volume and then install everything all over again?