Hi there.
This is a very nice question and logically what you are saying should be correct. However, there is a reason behind this.
In serial connection, there are two lines, one for data and other for acknowledgement. In parellel there are eight. Logically parellel should be faster. But it is the other way, i.e. serial ata is faster.
Let me explain you this using an example i read once.
Consider a two lane highway, similar to serial ata, having one lane to transferring data cars and other meant for acknowledgement. Similarly an eight lane highway for parellel ata.
Now since data flows in one direction at a time, when sata is used, data is sent across the lane. Immediately after that an acknowledgement is sent thru the ACK line and only then the second shift of data is transferred. Meaning it is only after the data ack arrives, the other shift of data is sent.
Now in case of parellel ata, you have eight lanes. When data is sent across these 8 lanes, you will need to synchornise the data received from these 8 lanes at the other end and it is only after this that the ACK is sent. Therefore suppose there is an error in any of the 8 lanes(or data lines actually) you will need to request the data again.
Obviously there is high probabilty of error in 8 lanes than a single lane as in case of serial ata. Managing eight lanes is much much more time consuming than managing a single lane bcoz u dnt need to synchronise the data everytime.
Therefore problem of syncronization is the real reason that PATA is slower than SATA.
I hope you got the point.