FSB - (Front Side Bus) The FSB connects the computer's processor to the system memory (RAM) and other components on the motherboard. These components include the system chipset, AGP card, PCI devices, and other peripherals. Because the FSB serves as the main path from the processor to the rest of the motherboard, it is also called the "system bus."
In general the faster frontside bus speeds lead to faster overall performance, as the smaller the ratio, the more efficiently the processor can work.
NM (Nanometers) - size of the die( processor ) or the architecture
In general the smaller the number, the more transistors can be fit on the die and therefore the more powerful the chip is.
Clock Speed - Number of evenly-spaced pulses generated by a computer's clock to regulate the switching activity of the circuits.
In general the clock speed is usually associated with the computer's performance higher the speed, more powerful the computer.