I'd just go with the 7950. I highly doubt that a driver update matches it to a 680 GTX, but excellent card nevertheless
Bb Gg
2013-02-18 23:09:39 UTC
I would crossfire the 7950, the difference between the 7950 and 7970 is very little and not worth the extra money. If you crossfire the 7950's you will be fine, just make sure your powersupply will handle the OC and the 2 graphics cards and make sure you have good cooling also..
2013-02-18 15:37:57 UTC
If you can afford it, go for the 7970.
Crossfire and SLI aren't as stable or reliable as single-card configurations. You get awesome improvement over a single card in some games, much less in others. You're more prone to occasional crashes/lockups and micro-stuttering might be a problem.
The Radeon HD 7950 is approximately equal to the GeForce GTX 660 Ti. The HD 7970 is slightly faster than the GTX 680 in most titles. Of course Nvidia has the edge on driver quality and PhysX support but for raw fps, AMD wins.
AMD's new Catalyst version 12.11 drivers didn't give a 40 percent increase from earlier versions, but it was a noticeable improvement, about 10-12 percent for most 7000 series cards.