Ive installed a web cam on my pc and now it just crashes even when nobody's viewing it. My pc statics are: Winxp :Intel Pent 4 :3.2GHZ : Hard drive 120Gb :256 Ram :Driver version 4 cam : requirements to run cam which read from box are: Pentium 200 MHz ;32MB of system memory ;100 MB free disc space..Ive tried defragmenting and have 96.94GB of free disc space. When my pc reboots itself, i get a message saying "your system has just recovered from a serious error, report it to microsoft, which i do, but they have no solution. They also tell me it could be an interaction with windows and the Spyware doctor programme i have running to protect my pc. Today they sent a reply saying i should consider a BIOS upgrade.. i have no idea what this means. My pc is brand new and still under gaurantee. Ive been told i need more Ram to run a web cam and then again i've been told i don't. Please help if you can, i'm almost ready to get the hammer out and smash this camera to pieces.