2010-06-17 08:45:01 UTC
Not long ago one of my PCs crashed, so I deided to use this opportunity to update my other PC using some of the first's hardware. So far so good. I kept the motherboard, changed the processor, changed RAM and I changed the vido card. I also added the hard disk of the PC tha broke down to the other two on the still healthy PC. Meaning that now it has 3. I got all the wiring done correctly and checked for campatibility issues.
I turn on the PC (with all 3 HDs connected to the motherboard) and get the following message: Hard disk changed, boot priority will be effected, go to Setup. Ok, I do that, I check that all booting should be done from a Hard (Keep in mind that that means that there are now two OS total) and expect to get a screen winth "Choose which OS to boot up. You have x seconds left..."but instead it tries to boot from a CD and tells me to insert an OS disk. with something like this "Disk boot failure insert OS and try again"
I also tried doing with with each of the OS carrying drives turned off seperately, but it still won't work.
Any ideas on what I might be doing wrong?